International Collaboration


Center for Teaching and Learning, Brigham Young University

ブリガムヤング大学は米国ユタ州にある私立大学で、アメリカの経済誌MONEYが選ぶ「2016 Best Value Colleges」では、学費に対する学習の質の高い大学として、スタンフォード大学やイェール大学を上回り全米第5位にランクインしています。
Center for Teaching and Learning(BYU:CTL)は、全米のFD活動においてその活動の幅広さと質の高さが顕著であり、アメリカで最も充実したセンターの一つです。


International Collaboration

Center for Teaching and Learning, Brigham Young University Like the Yatsugatake Mountains that border the Nagano and Yamanashi Prefectures, Teikyo University's Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) spans the territory to reach neighbors near and far. Not only is Teikyo's CTL a model of inclusivity, but also -akin to the Yatsugatake-it rises above to guide and inspire those fortunate enough to observe. Five years into a meaningful and engaging collaboration, we can state with confidence that this group is never content to sit back and admire its own achievements; rather, the Center's staff and faculty embody the very essence of kaizen. From your colleagues at Brigham Young University, a heartfelt omedetou gozaimasu!

International Educational Consultant研修



「International SoTL Symposium and Workshop 2020」(仮)について(調整中)
